Thursday 23 August 2012

Lose Weight! What's the worst that could happen?

There is no doubt in my mind that diet and exercise are good for you. You feel good, you look good! but there are some things that people never consider when they decide to lose a significant amount of weight. These were things that I basically didn't realize until it was nearly too late.

Significant change in weight can cause:
a) Loose Skin
b) Hair Loss

If you didn't know this and went and lost 20 kgs, you might feel a bit duped, but lucky for you, you have me! These things are fixable! but as with anything to do with skin and hair, it is much easier to prevent problems than cure them, so get in early!

Loose Skin

The most common places for this are the inner thighs, breasts, underarms, stomach, back.. basically everywhere is susceptible, depending on where you carry most of your weight.

Our skin is very elastic, provided the "elastin" doesn't break; it can stretch and reform pretty well, especially when you're young! When you gain weight, your skin obviously has to stretch to accommodate this, but if you've gained weight very quickly or have been overweight for a long time, the elastin can stretch beyond redemption and snap, this is what happens when you have stretch marks.

When you begin losing weight, the skin may appear to be coming in closer and closer to your muscles, but if you lose a significant amount, eventually you may notice that the skin can become sort of empty, many extreme weight-loser's have mentioned not being able to make it "tighten up".

Prevention/Cure (without surgery!):

1. A lot of people try to lose weight without exercise, and while you may very well lose "weight", you won't be the slightest bit toned, and the end results may not be exactly what you were hoping for. This doesn't mean you have to develop massive amounts of muscle, but lean muscle (not bulky) does encourage your skin to tighten immensely, and this can be done with basic no-weight/light weight repetitive exercises. Think deep stretching, ab routines, leg lifts and light arm work with your regular cardio.

2. Moisturise! I swear by this because it really does make a difference! Moisturising helps with toning the skin, uneven colouring (stretch marks, scars) and circulation (cellulite). The most effective in my opinion is a rich moisturiser like Cocoa Butter. It only takes one application all over your body (not your face, but everywhere else) once a day, I find at night before bed easiest. Although this can feel like a bit of a bother at first, it only takes a minute and really is worth making apart of your daily routine.

"It's not just about looking good in clothes, its about looking good out of them!"

Hair Loss

Now this is one that a lot of people would never have thought of, myself included. Although weight loss is great for your health, the sudden shift can sometimes translate to physical stress and even malnourishment, which both lead to hair loss. There are many different reasons why someone (man or woman) may start losing more hair than usual, this could be just a bit more hair on your brush, thinning or legitimate patches.

Causes and fixes:

Strand loss/thinning:

Malnourishment: As tempting as it is to starve oneself, it certainly won't help with your appearance. A bit of fat is necessary for filling out your face, a lot of women (and men) who lose weight can look aged and deflated, healthy fats are also very useful if you exercise, for joint health and energy. Eat a little bit of fat and you will actually lose more. Protein, you need it, you know you need it, so display your commonsense and eat it. A lack of protein can easily cause hair loss, and it doesn't necessarily have to be from meat; Yoghurt, nuts and protein supplements are all perfect sources of protein. If you can't fit in those vegetables and fruit, than take that multivitamin. To help thicken your hair if you notice thinning, you could try scalp massaging, to encourage hair growth or supplements such as Qsilica (that one really does help, but you have to keep using it)

Physical Stress: Exercise is great for health, but excessive cardio (as in, beyond your ability) can be stressful for your body, so work up your fitness slowly. Stress on your actual hair should be avoided too. Over-washing, over-styling, over-brushing, tight ponytails, teasing, tying your hair back in a way that puts a lot of pressure and pulling on a particular area, none of these things will help you. I had to stop wearing ponytails when I workout for this reason, instead I tie the length of my hair into a low bun, and pin my short layers back on top, that way there is little to no pulling (this can be a real problem if you have long hair).

Scalp health: Dandruff, grease and fungal infections (ringworm), can be very detrimental to hair growth, see your dermatologist.


This is more complex and shouldn't be caused by weightloss. Patterned baldness (male and female), alopecia, patterned thinning, these can be very hard to deal with and can occur at any age, but the best thing to do is not leave it! Sometimes, as in the case of alopecia, if you get to a doctor early enough, they may be able to fix it before it becomes permanent so don't be placid!- go to a doctor and get a referral.

Weight loss can be amazing, you'll feel great, you'll look great but be aware of what is happening with your body because much of the downsides are preventable!

Exercise, Eat Clean and Moisturise!

Friday 17 August 2012

Healthy Home Cooking ;)

I didn't think it was entirely possible. I know there are thousands of "healthy" recipes and cookbooks out there, but I've always found them to actually be kind of heavy meals, like I'd gain weight if I ate them all the time. The problem with eating light meals constantly is obviously the binge eating it causes, as well as the boredom.

Everything I read says, convenience! Oh this only takes 5 minutes, 10 minutes.. woah 15 minutes, thats ridiculous! Well personally, I like to apply a little bit of time to cooking, I enjoy it, but the foods I really enjoy cooking don't fit in with my diet (I'm an italian lover, god save me), and so I haven't had that little bit of therapy, without the guilt, for a long time, which really does contribute to my regular cracking on the diet. A lot of the time it isn't the food I'm after so much as the cooking.

So there I was on my yoga mat doing my stretching on the lounge room floor, when I looked up to realize the remote was not in reach and my show had ended. Sitting in something similar to an upside down pretzel, I figured it would be easier to just weather whatever came on, cue Jamie Oliver and the fabulous idea he gave me.

All I saw was an egg wrapped in glad-wrap (clingfilm), tied off in a knot, and boiled as such and Bam! I saw potential!

1 egg, with the yoke, may have a little bit of fat but that's actually a good thing if you work out- You want to train your body to use fat as a source of energy, to do this you'll have to eat some as well. If you eat little to no fat then your body will cling to all the fat it already has, make sense?

With a few alterations I've made this recipe quick, easy and full of flavour!

Egg Balls

What you'll need:

1-2 eggs (any kind)

Herbs of your choice (Fresh or dry, don't be afraid to experiment!)

  • I used chopped fresh chives. As well as dry basil and lemon pepper. 
Veges (Any, its really up to you, but whatever you choose, pile it high!)
  • I went for chopped spinach and tomatoes
+ A bowl and Glad-Wrap

I know most people associate egg's with cheese and oil, but this recipe requires neither! The balls hold their shape fine without any added oils. 

What to do:

•  Lay a piece of glad-wrap inside of the bowl, with enough hang over to tie it off. Place your egg in the glad-wrap bowl. 
•  Chop up your veges (and herbs if you used fresh). 

Cover the egg in veges and herbs. Avoid breaking the 
yoke if you like it whole or 
sunny-side style. 

•  Lift the Glad-Wrap away from the bowl, twist to remove most of the air and tie off.
•  Place your egg balls into a saucepan of boiling water and cook for 8-10 minutes, over ten minutes will cook the yoke through, while 8-10 minutes will keep it soft and runny.
•  Once cooked, using scissors, cut the knot off of each ball and unpeel the Glad-Wrap.

And Serve!

These are just fine on their own and depending on what you added can be very, very flavourful!



* Nutritionally Speaking, these are very light, and can work as either a snack or 2 for a meal (Breakfast, lunch or dinner). They're especially good if you're looking for something low-sugar.

* Experiment with your add-ins, particularly the herbs and don't be afraid to use veges you've never tried- They're what gives it the most substance.

* and before you say it, no, the Glad-Wrap won't melt when you boil it, I was a little worried too!

Eat Clean, Exercise and Moisturise!
Good Luck!


Thursday 9 August 2012

Binge eating be damned

If you've read my past posts, then you'll know that while I rock at exercising (everynight, without fail!), my diet is never quite right. It doesn't matter how good I get, I always crack and not just a little, but I have insane binges where I eat a ridiculous amount of food, to the point where I feel physically ill, and even then I mightn't stop. I know it sounds crazy but its happened so many times now that I'm very happy to label myself as a binge eater, although I don't consider that as an excuse to keep doing it such as when someone says "I'm fat" like that cleanses them of all responsibility for what they do.

But guess what weird bingeing urge? I was ready for you this time! Thats right reader, you will be very proud :D

I've had nothing but soup for dinner for about 3 days in a row, and ofcourse I've been losing weight which is great! but that lack of solid food at night tends to come back and bite me in the arse, meaning after a few days I start feeling the deprivation, the hunger gets to me, and I ruin all of my good work and then some. Its not just the physical discomfort of being hungry, but the mental drain that it gives you.

 I eat plenty during the day, but then just go super light on dinner so its not like I'm unhealthy, I just snap after a while. Sometimes when people can't lose weight its because they can't let go of their "I'm fat" comfort zone, and I'm starting to think for me something similar might be happening with my "losing weight" ideal, like I might actually be a bit scared of getting to the finish line? I'll lose that "something to focus on" feeling.

Anywhoo, so I was just about to have my soup when it washed over me, that feeling that screamed utter failure, telling me just to throw it all in and eat whatever because if I didn't do it now, it'd just get worse and I'd do it tomorrow. Instead of giving in as I usually do, I made scrambled eggs!

Usually when I give myself a break like that, I can't stop there and go way too far (bingey binge), but this time, I just had some scrambled eggs, and I didn't go overboard, or then starting eating other stuff as well. I know this is dragging on a bit, but I'm just so happy I'm not going to gain all of my soup-lost weight back! and also, I just love that I'm developing some legitimate control, and these little practice tests will just make it that bit easier next time!

"If you don't change anything, nothing will change!"

Binge eating is a mental battle, and quite the rough one but it is doable, you've just got to understand it so you can recognize it next time around and know exactly what to do. You're hungry and this time you just can't stop yourself? Go and eat something, but eat the right something, and STOP THERE! You'll thank yourself tomorrow trust me.

Exercise wise, I've been doing strength training pretty much everyday this week so I'm thinking I might just have a cardio night tonight:

1/2 an hour of stretching
1 and a 1/2 hours of Zumba

Last night I tried something new with my cross-trainer (elliptical)- intervals! Usually I'd do an hour and a half at just a moderate pace but instead I tried some interval training, I wanted to actually sweat this time! I went for the same 90 mins, just more effectively, try it for yourself!

* 10 minutes at a moderate pace, just for a warm up
* 20 minutes of intervals= 1 minute fast, 1 minute moderate (not too slow!), 1 minutes fast, 1 minute moderate.. for the full 20!

(Find a speed that is very fast for you and try to get back there everytime!)

Then repeat! Both the warm up then the intervals, I repeated 3 times, but once or twice may be better for those who are just starting out.

I'd love to hear how you went with it!

Eat Clean, Exercise and Moisturise!

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Push Push Push

The main reason I started back at Jazz and Tap, other than the obvious weight loss advantages and group atmosphere I'd been sorely lacking, was to improve my technique. Fitness wise, I'm fine, my hours of cardio can attest to that. My flexibility, on the other hand, was quite the problem, but considering the pretzel-like moves I've been getting into with ease lately, I think its safe to say that provided I keep practicing, my flexibility is up to scratch. It was that that I blamed for my lack of technique which is why I worked so hard at it, but since that is no longer a problem, and yet there are so many moves I still cannot do, I am now aware, that I am as weak as spaghetti. No joke, I do at least an hour of strength about 5 days a week, and yet, I try to do a layout- I fall over, I try to pirouette- I have no speed and can't hold it. I know I'm a bit older and everything, and it takes time to improve, but thats the point! I want to eventually be good at this!

^ Thats a layout.. Mine is not quite the same lol

Obviously my strength workouts need a bit of a shake up. Which can be easily done! Change the order, do hard moves slower, and practice practice practice! I am going to get better at this!


On another note, my diets not going so bad. Over thinking it just makes it harder so I rather just say, hey, you wanna lose weight? Don't eat that. If I eat that, well its okay if its early in the day. I've been cheating a little bit, but I don't miss a workout and I am still losing weight, just slowly, which can be frustrating for some, but whenever I lose weight quickly it always backfires on me, my body decides its in serious danger and I gain it all back- but slowly? Well lets just say I haven't been piling it all back on :) So clearly there's something in this!

Anyway thats my piece for today!

Exercise, Eat Clean and Moisturise!
Good Luck!


P.s Never say never!

* I do not own the above image, it was found on google images.